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August 2, 2020 7:56 AM


Earlier this year, one of my friends showed me a game called Rakuen, which tells the story of a boy and his mom going on adventures while in a hospital. It's an interactive novel with cute pixel art graphics, so I was immediately sold. You know, once the game went on sale in Steam.

, .~. /\ .~. /\ /{ \ /\ ,.-~'*/*'~-., <,.-~'*`*'~-.,> (| @ @ o) : .___, ,' `-._.-' This is my drawing (typing?) of the main character in the story.

My sister and I thoroughly enjoyed playing it. It gets super emotional, in a good way. I am very slow at video games and I think I spent 9 hours total on this game, so it's quick. 5/5 stars.

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