Back when the pandemic first started, I gave myself a quarantine goal of getting an A in every single song in Dance Dance Revolution Konamix. Now I love DDR, and I guess I'm decent at it, but not amazing. But this is a really old version of DDR for the PS1. Getting an A in Konamix means getting a FULL COMBO--nothing but Greats and Perfects. (Marvelous didn't exist in this version)
,=. .*. ,'. ,=. ,+ ,+ . | | . ,+ +. +. +. ,+ -----. + `.| |.' + ,+ +. .===== +. + =====' `+ ` ` +' + .'| |`. + '----- + `+ '+ `+ +' `' | | `' +' +' `=' `-' '-' `=' These arrows were a lot of work to type out.
All of the songs in Konamix have a level from 1-9, 1 being easy and 9 being the hardest. Nowadays, the highest level is 20. The hardest songs in Konamix miiight be a 13 in today's scale. So, getting a full combo on all of them? Totally doable.
EXCEPT, I'm in a second floor apartment and all I have are crappy foam dance pads. Each one seems to have a different arrow that's at least a little broken. Konamix also didn't have a lot of options. Pretty much everyone speeds up the arrows now, but you have to read everything at 1x in Konamix. And on top of all that the backgrounds are suuuuper trippy.
Anyway, this was a really silly quarantine goal, and to be honest, I didn't actually think I was going to finish this because of my pads misfiring ALL. THE. TIME. But! I was determined! And on Sunday I finally achieved my goal. It only took many months and many, many attempts at playing Drop Out.
A few weeks ago, DigitalOcean underwent some maintenance that didn't go so well, and I wasn't able to reach my server. Once it came back up, I realized I was still having trouble getting my website to work. I looked into to for a few days until I finally realized that it was a firewall issue.
Anyway, it's back up! And I finally got a new SSL cert! I didn't even realize you could do this for free now! So this site is back up, the Teochew site is back up, and I'm making more progress on flailing 2.0.
I have had the most exhausting few months at work. And it just kept getting worse and worse. I think I was working during all waking hours last week.
But today I did something I haven't done in a while. I worked an 8 hour workday. And then I stopped. Not because I had something to do, but because my 8 hours were up and it was time for me to End of Day.
Anyway, I've been meaning to get back to the food blog. But I'm kind of sick of Wordpress. I looked into alternatives. Ghost seemed promising, but I already got annoyed when I tried to install it, and my tolerance for dealing with annoying things in new pieces of technology are very low, so I gave up on that quickly. I decided that the best thing for me to do was to just build the site myself. When I first started flailing in my kitchen I didn't want to do that at all. I didn't want to be a Sysadmin. But, there is something rewarding about setting up a site yourself. So that's what I'm doing now. I made one blog post, and it's a total mess on the inside, but I'm happy with what I've got so far.
Update: When I first created v2, I made it part of this domain, under the path "/flailing", while the flailing site still had my old blog. I updated the link above to actually point to
Earlier this year, one of my friends showed me a game called Rakuen, which tells the story of a boy and his mom going on adventures while in a hospital. It's an interactive novel with cute pixel art graphics, so I was immediately sold. You know, once the game went on sale in Steam.
, .~. /\ .~. /\ /{ \ /\ ,.-~'*/*'~-., <,.-~'*`*'~-.,> (| @ @ o) : .___, ,' `-._.-' This is my drawing (typing?) of the main character in the story.
My sister and I thoroughly enjoyed playing it. It gets super emotional, in a good way. I am very slow at video games and I think I spent 9 hours total on this game, so it's quick. 5/5 stars.
Today I mounted my cross stitch on a piece of foam board.