November 4, 2015 10:17 PM
October Review
In the beginning of October I set a budget for myself: $500, excluding rent. How did I do? I was $350 over budget. Terrible. I am still spending way too much. But even though I was way over budget, I think October was a great success. I'm only starting my journey to financial independence, and I made some good changes to my life.
- I canceled my Comcast subscription. This brings down my monthly internet bill from $90 to $36. (Of course Verizon decided to charge me insane activation fees but they are one-time only, so I won't have to deal with that again.)
- I stopped machine drying my clothes. (Okay, I still used the dryer when I visited my family for a week)
- I did a lot more cooking.
- I went to more meetups. (Some of which provided free dinner!)
- I managed to move my bed time from 1am to 11pm.
- I made sure to not leave any dishes in the sink before I went to bed.
Clearly I still have a lot of things to improve on. Here are my goals for November:
- Get my bedtime down to 10pm.
- Don't spend more than $500.
- Read all of those books I got from the library.
- Organize my clothes and all my junk in this apartment.
- Arrive at work before 8am.
- Get my productivity at work up to turtle pace. (I feel like I am currently at snail pace)