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February 17, 2006 11:34 AM | Hide footnote links

xanga: 85

[un]happy friday!

guess what? im gonna be bored all day. im gonna end up staying home watching the olympics. how FUN. someone come online right now!!!

my dad is telling me that i am too picky1 and its a BAD thing. like a serious problem. and he’s telling me to not do jazz fundamentals next year, because he knows that i wont have a career in music. and he wants me to do computer programming instead. oh well i love being in band and i REALLY wanna be in the jazz ensemble in high school. ill do computer programming some other year.2

this course selection thing is the most confusing thing ever.

and by the way friend9.. please dOnT tYpE LyKe diSz .. at least not in my comments.. thanks!3

  1. Picky Well that changed quickly. ↩

  2. My dad's dislike of me being in band was really bad for about a year, but he eventually came around to the whole letting me do music thing. Nowadays I'd much rather type code than play an instrument. ↩

  3. Wow I can barely type with decent grammar and spelling and yet I'm telling my friends that they're being annoying with their typing. ↩