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July 9, 2007 4:54 PM | Hide footnote links

xanga: 181, unfinished

My December is definitely Kelly Clarkson's best album yet.1

I was home alone. Scratch that. I was at my "gmas" home alone. The phone. All I was thinking was "ohmygod, ohmygod. whatthehellamigonnado." If I was home, I'd just not pick it up. But it was my grandma's, and they actually use the phone. "Hello?" In my head I'm thinking "pleaseletitnotbearelative, pleaseletitbesometelemarketer" "-chinese words.." "CRAP!" in my head. "howthehelldoyousaybankinchinese?!?! damniitttt, cantmemberhowtosaybank,howdoyousaybank,howdoyousaybank!" "They go"(chinese) "bank"(english) "isso&sohome"(chinese) "who?!?isshetalkinboutthatguydoingthehouse? imsoconfused!" in my head "ughhh" "i don't know"(chinese) "ughh?" "i don't know"(english) "ugh???" "ughh!!"(huh?) "okay, nevermind" "thankgodidonthavetokeeptalking." in my head. Half an hour later RINGRINGRING! Me think, "Shit!!"in my head. "whydidntigotothebathroomthenidhaveanexcuse?!?!"

^^anyways, that's probably extremely confusing to read. but for the gist of it, i hate talking on the phone.2

  1. I still agree with this statement ↩

  2. I don't love talking on the phone now, but it's definitely better than video chatting. ↩