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September 13, 2015 11:43 AM


I've been in a funk lately. I have a good job that pays well and isn't too hard or stressful. Plus I get to basically program all day, and I love programming. But something's missing. I'm feeling unfulfilled. I think I've felt this way since a little before going on a cruise in early August. I just got lazy and bored and started wasting so much time playing silly games on my iPad.

I really really really want to go back to school at some point, but I'm not sure how much time and effort I want to devote to it. Should I go for a master's or a PhD? I guess I need to actually want to do research to get a PhD, but I've never even done research so I don't even know if I would enjoy it or not. And what if my lack of research experience makes it harder for me to get into grad school? I also don't know if I want to go back full-time or part-time. On one hand, I have a good job, and I think quitting would be stupid, but on the other hand, if I go back to school I feel like I would do better if I devoted the majority of my time to it. And where would I even want to apply? I need to talk to someone that actually has experience with these things.

I'm going to try getting back into updating this site more, because it really is something that I'm proud of, even though I'm pretty sure no one is reading this.

June 14, 2015 5:18 PM

Text Editor

It's been really hot and humid lately. I feel like I can't think straight. I might just go and buy an air conditioner. It costs $120 extra to be able to use it, but I feel like my comfort is worth it.

I was able to create a new little project this weekend. It's a web text editor, and I just so happen to be typing in it right now. I realized in order to make any sort of text editor all you need to do is make an element contenteditable and it just works! (As long as you're on a modern browser)

I added a little feature that allows me to change colors of the text. And I can even add more colors than the ones already listed on the page. Of course, while making this I thought of a whole bunch of other things that I could add to this editor. I was thinking of having a way to preview color changes. I tried implementing that, but it turned out to be more complicated than I expected.

The editor is also just a static page, and I still haven't gotten my development and production sites using different static pages and templates, so for now, all changes are live.

2021 Update: This project was the precursor to my ascii art color-izer, and I don't think I'll ever publish it again. I used a completely different strategy for generating the html for the colored text which used a lot of crazy html element node manipulation. It sort of worked, but I don't think it generated good html (I had spans inside of spans, which I didn't like). The version I have now that just stores everything in 2d arrays is a lot simpler and works better.

I don't understand how I didn't have a development environment before, but I definitely have one now.

June 11, 2015 12:00 AM

I need more blog posts

So I'm trying to add a landing page to this blog that will show the most recent entries. I decided that six was a good number. It will also have previous and next buttons to go to the previous and next page of blog entries. Except right now I only have two entries, so it won't really matter.

I went to the dentist on my own for the first time ever. The dentists were very friendly, and they didn't just gossip with each other while looking at my teeth. Of course I had a cavity. I also had to get another cavity re-filled because my previous dentist had done a terrible job. Even though my whole face felt numb, once the dentist started drilling I thought "Oh my god, this is painful." But hey, free toothbrush, toothpaste, AND lip balm!

Speaking of free dental care products, I went to the Arts festival this past weekend and Sensodyne was there. (So was Xfinity but they were kind of lame) They were giving out free toothpaste! And free toothbrushes! And they even had sinks so you could brush your teeth right there! It was honestly the highlight of my day.

June 3, 2015 12:00 AM

Prioritizing and Reaching Goals

Use the Continue Reading link to see some 2021 commentary

Part of me feels like I'm making such slow progress on this website, but another part of me is just amazed I've been able to get so much done. I'm really liking my issue tracking system, though it needs some serious cleanup.

The other day I stumbled across this blog: Mr. Money Mustache. It's about this dude who retired when he was 30, and it's got all this great financial advice. I found it quite inspiring. (Just like when I discovered Nerd Fitness) I definitely want to do a better job at saving money. It's not like I'm struggling in any way, but I just think it's good to save up.

I feel like I have so many things I want to do, and not nearly enough time to get them all done. And I keep setting goals and failing to reach them. Or it just takes me five years. My mom even found an old cross-stitch that I got when I was 12 that I never finished! I am working on it again though. Right now I'm trying to:

And I'm sure there are more things. I guess it mostly just seems like normal, adult things, and for the most part I'm doing pretty well at that. I just need to remind myself that I can't get everything done every day. And I need to remember that the number 1 most important thing for me is to get enough sleep. When I don't have enough sleep, everything else just falls apart and I get headaches like crazy. And this is where I'm going to stop this blog post, because I really do need to go to sleep.

April 28, 2015 12:00 AM

Hello World

First blog entry! Whoo!

EDIT: I'm able to edit this (:

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