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January 7, 2024 4:19 PM


It is one week into the new year, and I have already gotten sick and stressed out by work. I think my body is telling me I need to relax.

January 5, 2019 7:01 PM

Happy New Year!

It's been a while since my last post because I get lazy around the holidays. But it's a new year now! New Years is one of my favorite holidays because of resolutions. I looked back at my old resolutions that I've made and I realized that I make way too many of them and they're all the same. So I'm trying to focus a little more this year and tackle the one important goal that always eludes me:

Go to sleep early

Of course, there are other things I want to do this year but I think instead of trying to do so many things, I'm going to make my other goal really generic:

Do something productive every day

I'm going to try and actually keep track of my productivity by keeping a journal. I kind of want to try bullet journaling but it seems like way too much work. And hopefully, I'll get back to my food challenge! I have lots of food related ideas so stay tuned.

January 2, 2017 12:27 PM

Happy New Year

I'm sick :/

I have to go back to work tomorrow and I have all these emails to read and all this work to do. I need a vacation after my vacation.

My one new year's resolution: sleep earlier!!! Last night I went to sleep at 12:30am. That's a good enough start, right?

January 24, 2016 2:11 PM

Happy New Year

Use the Continue Reading link to see some 2021 commentary

Yeah, I know. I'm almost a month late.

So the blog was down for a bit, and because my status updates are linked to the blog those ended up being down as well. I've finally put them back up again! And maybe I've fixed the problem. Not sure though. Anyway, a new year means new resolutions.

I realized I make a lot of these lists. I tried to quantify as much as I could this time though. I guess using the term 'person' or 'people' pace is a bit vague, but I've always thought that I moved really slowly at work, and I could do better to not waste too much time. I'm still not exactly sure what I want to learn that's tech-related. Perhaps some type of assembly or something reverse engineering related.

As always, I can't seem to get enough sleep. I did wake up before 8am today all on my own though!