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January 24, 2016 2:11 PM | Hide footnote links

Happy New Year

Use the Continue Reading link to see some 2021 commentary

Yeah, I know. I'm almost a month late.

So the blog was down for a bit, and because my status updates are linked to the blog those ended up being down as well. I've finally put them back up again! And maybe I've fixed the problem. Not sure though. Anyway, a new year means new resolutions.

I realized I make a lot of these lists. I tried to quantify as much as I could this time though.4 I guess using the term 'person' or 'people' pace is a bit vague, but I've always thought that I moved really slowly at work, and I could do better to not waste too much time.5 I'm still not exactly sure what I want to learn that's tech-related. Perhaps some type of assembly or something reverse engineering related.

As always, I can't seem to get enough sleep. I did wake up before 8am today all on my own though!

  1. Wait, was I even close to this at any point? I still have sleep problems now, and I never use an alarm, and I work from home, and I still don't start work by 7. ↩

  2. Nowadays I think I alternate between turtle pace and triple person pace ↩

  3. I guess this one didn't really take off until two years later ↩

  4. Wow it's like...I used OKRs >.> ↩

  5. It's 2021 and it only took a global pandemic and weeks of insomnia for me to finally stop feeling guilty about this ↩